Section outline

  • Introduction: Basic Terminology, Pointer and dynamic memory allocation, Elementary Data Organization, Data Structure operations, Algorithm Complexity and Time-Space trade-off.

    Arrays: Array Definition, Representation and Analysis, Single and Multidimensional Arrays, address calculation, application of arrays, Array as Parameters, Ordered List, Sparse Matrices.

    Stacks: Array Representation and Implementation of stack, Operations on Stacks: Push & Pop, Array Representation of Stack, Linked Representation of Stack, Operations Associated with Stacks, Application of stack: Conversion of Infix to Prefix and Postfix Expressions, Evaluation of postfix expression using stack. Recursion: Recursive definition and processes, recursion in C, example of recursion, Tower of Hanoi Problem, tail recursion.

  • Trees: Basic terminology, Binary Trees, Binary tree representation, algebraic Expressions, Complete Binary Tree. Extended Binary Trees, Array and Linked Representation of Binary trees, Traversing Binary trees, Threaded Binary trees. Traversing Threaded Binary trees, Huffman algorithm & Huffman tree.
    Searching and Hashing: Sequential search, binary search, comparison and analysis, Hash Table, Hash Functions, Collision Resolution Strategies, Hash Table Implementation

  • Sorting: Insertion Sort, Bubble Sorting, Quick Sort, Two Way Merge Sort, Heap Sort, Sorting on Different Keys, Practical consideration for Internal Sorting.
    Binary Search Trees: Binary Search Tree (BST), Insertion and Deletion in BST, Complexity of Search Algorithm, Path Length, AVL Trees

  • File Structures: Physical Storage Media File Organization, Organization of records into Blocks, Sequential Files, Indexing and Hashing, Primary indices, Secondary indices, B+ Tree index Files, B Tree index Files, Indexing and Hashing Comparisons, Graph, Traversal(DFS,BFS) ,Minimum spanning tree

  • UNIT-1(Array and Linked List)

    Data Structures: The Introduction to Data Structures

    2 Algorithm
    3 Asymptotic notations: Big oh  
    4 Asymptotic notations: Big Theta
    5 Asymptotic notations: Big Omega
    6 Determine Time Complexity
    7 Time-Space trade-off
    8 Abstract Data Types (ADT)
    9 Derivation of Index Formulae for 1-D,
    10 Derivation of Index Formulae for 2-D,
    11 Derivation of Index Formulae for 3-D,
    12 Address Calucaltion in Lower Triangular Matrix (RMO)
    13 Address calculation in lower triangular matrix (CMO)
    14 Adress Calculation in Tri Digonal Matrix.
    15 Address Calculation in Z Representation Matrix
    16 Sparse Matrices and their representations
    17 Sparse Matrices (Program)
    18 Singly Linked Lists
    19 Circularly Linked List
    20 Doubly Linked List
    21 Polynomial Representation
    22 Addition of two polynomials using Linked-list- Logic Building
    23 C Program for Addition of two polynomials using Linked-list
    24 For Play list of Data Structures
    25 For Play list of Address Calculation
    26 For Play list of Linked List
      Remaining videos of this unit  will be uploaded  as soon as possible  
    UNIT-2(Stack and Queue)
    1 Stacks, Primitive Stack operations: Push & Pop
    2 Abstract Data Type
    3 Stack using Array Explanation and Code
    4 Stack using Linked List - PUSH function
    5 Stack using Linked List - POP function
    6 Stack using Linked List - Display function
    7 Recursion
    8 Tail Recursion
    9 Infix Postfix Prefix
    10 Rules for Infix to Postfix Conversion.
    11 Infix to Postfix Conversion.(Manual Method)
    12 Infix to Postfix Conversion using Stack Method-
    13 Infix & Postfix (Tree. Approach)
    14 Postfix Evaluation
    15 Infix to Prefix Conversion (Manual Method)
    16 Infix to Prefix Conversion (Algo. Approach)
    17 Infix to Prefix Conversion (Tree. Approach)
    18 Fibonacci Series Part-1- Application of Stack
    19 Removal of Recursion| Using Iteration and Stack
    20 Tower of Hanoi - Part 1/3 | Introduction and Recursive code Logic building
    21 Tower of Hanoi - Part-2/3 (Trick to Generate Tree for n Disc)
    22 Tower Of Hanoi- Part 3/3 | Some Observations and Solution
    23 Introduction to Queue Data Structure
    24 Linear Queue Using Array- Logic Building of Enqueue ,Dequeue and Display
    25 Linear Queue Implementation of Enqueue, Dequeue & Display
    26 Circular Queue- Enqueue Operation | Logic Building
    27 Circular Queue- Dequeue Operation | Logic Building
    28 Circular Queue- Display Operation | Logic Building
    29 Circular Queue- Execution of Enqueue, Dequeue and Display Operation.
    30 DEQueue (Double Ended Queue)
    31 Priority Queue Data Structure
      Remaining videos of this unit  will be uploaded  as soon as possible  
    UNIT-3(Tree )
    1 Introduction to Tree Data Structure | Rooted & Non-Rooted Tree
    2 Array Representation of Binary Tree with Advantage and Disadvantage
    3 Dynamic/Linked/Pointer Representation of Binary Tree Advantage and Disadvantage
    4 Step by Step Construction of Binary Tree and BST from Tree Traversal(s)
    5 Construction of an expression tree- Ex-1
    6 Construction of an expression tree- Ex-2
    7 Trick for Pre-order and Post-order of binary tree
    8 Trick for in-order traversal in binary tree
    9 Strict Binary Tree & Its Properties.
    10 Complete Binary Tree | Properties
    11 Extended Binary Tree | Properties
    12 Binary Tree construction using Preorder and Inorder traversal - Example-1
    13 Binary Tree construction using Postorder and Inorder traversal - Example-2
    14 Binary Search Tree Construction.
    15 Binary Search Tree Construction using Pre-Order Only
    16 ALV Tree- Part-1 | Introduction and Rotations
    17 ALV Tree- Part-2 | Example and Verification
      Remaining videos of this unit  will be uploaded  as soon as possible  
    UNIT-4 (Graph)
    1 DS Lecture - 083 | Introduction to Graph Data Structure
    2 DS Lecture - 084 | Graph Representation using Adjacency Matrix
    3 DS Lecture - 085 | Graph Representation using Adjacency List
    4 DS Lecture - 086 | Graph Representation using Adjacency Multilist
    5 DS Lecture - 087 | Prim`s Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree | Solved Example
    6 DS Lecture - 090 | Dijkstra`s Algorithm for Single Source Shortest Path | Solved Example 
    7 DS Lecture - 100 | Graph Traversals - BFS| Breadth-First Search Algorithm with Example
    8 DS Lecture - 101| Graph Traversals - DFS| Depth First Search Algorithm with Example
    9 DS Lecture - 102 | No. of Connected components using BFS or DFS
    10 DS Lecture - 103 | Spanning Tree Introduction | No. of Spanning Tree 
    11 DS Lecture - 104 | Kirchhoff`s method to find no. of Spanning Tree 
    12 DS Lecture - 105 | Kruskal Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree 
    13 DS Lecture - 105 | Transitive Closure of a Graph | Example |Algorithm| C Program | Direct Method
    14 DS Lecture - 106 | Floyd Warshall Algorithm | All Pair Shortest Path | Example | Direct Method
      Remaining videos of this unit  will be uploaded  as soon as possible  
    UNIT-5 (Searching and Sorting)
    1 Binary Search | Recursive |Divide & Conquer | Code with Explanation
    2 Linear Search | Recursive
    3 DS Lecture - 97 | Linear Search |Sequential Search| using Function and Without Function.
    4 DS Lecture - 98 Index Sequential Search in Data Structures| Explanation & C program
    5 Bubble Sort Part -1
    6 Bubble Sort Part-2
    7 Bubble Sort Part-3(implementation)
    8 Merge Sort | Divide and Conquer
    9 Merge two Sorted Array
      Remaining videos of this unit  will be uploaded  as soon as possible